Tuesday 27 March 2012

!! Surat, Shabd, Yoga !!

                 My recent interactions with “Sant Mat” – The path of the Higher Truth – has intrigued me well and I’ve been on an exploration. The religious faction started by a loosely associated group of teachers (Sat Gurus) in Northern states of India believes in being at one with the higher truth. As other religions, it is based on the theology of serving a “higher purpose” as well. But I find it a bit more feasible and learned in certain spheres of its knowledge impartation as contrasted to other religious teachings. What distinguishes Sant Mat from the others is an inward, loving devotion to a divine principle they believe in. They don’t believe in Idol/Nature/Animal worship. They believe that delving into oneself and keeping “Yoga” with one’s own “Surat” and “Shabd” will help in attainment of the divine. It preaches to live socially by egalitarianism opposed to the qualitative distinctions of the Hindu caste system.
              I’ve had the opportunity to interact with several people; some have dedicated their lives in following the preachings of the “Sant Mat”, some are institutionalized to the idea of attaining a higher truth, some pure selfish in hunt for Moksha (freedom from the cycle of life) and some clueless people as well who have no idea why they are there. In  short, I got the opportunity to taste the tea from everyone’s cup. Trying aimlessly to fathom the real meaning of Sant Mat, I did what you must’ve done already in course of reading upto this line – I Googled it J. Along came many things and what I saw, read, derived and analysed about them from my experience at Radhasoami Ashram, Beas, Kolkata and what I got to read about Sant Mat and “Surat, Shabd, Yoga” follows…
                The idea of religions provoking strong devotion towards the Almighty is nothing new, atleast in a country like ours. The Sants, or Gurus, were proponents of the new Divine. A religion believing in non-belief of rituals, caste system and other religious dogmas prevailing in the Indian society. There are many ways to look at this. Personally speaking I believe in no religion as each one seems to root from the existence of a supreme being and preaches to be at one with Him. The Sant Mat was nothing new in that regard. The Gurus spread the word of wisdom, they were harbingers of a new faith that disregards idol worship and proposes to look within thyself for ultimate absolution.
                However hard one tries, refraining from worldly affairs is something that is tough yet is the key component in each of the religions’ propaganda. Here’s where Sant Mat stands out. They preach to reach the Astral Realm (Kaal ke parey…) while being dutiful to the worldly affairs one is tied to - “Prem” and “Sadbhaav” being the integral core of their preachings. Kal can neither create nor destroy a soul, neither give Light nor Sound, but he can keep souls traped in the causal and astral realms as well as in the physical region. He captures man’s soul with the chains of worldly pleasures and if a soul wishes to return to its Eternal Home, Kal releases all his powers to prevent this soul from its ascending. But Sat Purush, the Sublime Lord of Love, is the Supreme Godhood and the Creator of all universes. The Perfect Adept of Mysticism is His incarnation, and He can safely guide the soul through Kal’s regions. Immediately before the aspirant reaches the atrium to the causal realms the soul encounters indescribably handsome men and beautiful women in the higher astral regions who offer incredible temptations to prevent the soul from its further ascent. The protecting Shabd-Power of the Adept of Mysticism will make these tempting astral entities invisible to the aspirant. No negative power can approach the charisma of Shabd – the Sound Current – which was given by a Perfect Adept of Mysticism. After the causal realm is attained, the soul needs to further enhance itself for ascent into another realm. This can be passed when he/she goes through a narrow route called Bunk Naal. In verses, Guru Granth Sahib also has mention about this passage. Kabir had described it as a path that is one tenth of a mustard seed when the mind can be compare to an elephant. The realm beyond that is regined by MahaKaal, also known as Par Brahm. The dwellers of this realm (also known as Trikuti) are infinitely happy yet subjected to the physical world. They are not yet liberated from the cycle of birth and death.
                So far so good. The idea of Karma (record of past deeds) holds good here as well. The soul which reaches this level hears a Shabad Current which resembles the mystic Hindu “Om”. The concept further extends to the three cosmic features of harmony, activity and inactivity which have their origin in Trikuti and enable the creation of the astral and physical universes. In Hindu writings, these three features are embodied by Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh(Shiva). Below the bright red sky of Trikuti that reminds of the most beautiful dawn one can experience on earth - the physical world, the Radiating Shape of the Adept of Mysticism (Satguru) is seen in still bigger Glory and the initiated experiences the higher impulses of the heavenly Shabd – Sound Current – in a way that goes beyond all his former experience in the astral and physical regions. The master of Karmas, the one and only master of Karma (soul free of Karmic germs, wrong doings) can be your master to guide you through the tunnel into another realm. The guru/soul who guides you is called Sant Satguru or Sacha Satguru in the Eastern Terminology.
                On this a certain Sant Kirpal Singh, a Sant Satguru, had a beautiful view. His Mission was to fill the human heart with compassion, mercy and universal love, which should radiate to all countries, nations and peoples of the world. To make a true religion of the heart as the ruling factor in one's life. To enable each one to love God, love all, serve all, and have respect for all, as God is immanent in all forms. His goal was that of oneness. He spread the message of oneness in life and living. As he believed this was the way to peace on earth. This was his self-proclaimed mission of life. He said and I quote – “By the Mercy of a Competent Master the lost Word returns to Light and Life and is a free gift to everyone who is chosen by Him. Those are fortunate who were recognized, selected and were initiated into the mysteries of the beyond, by being connected with the Divine Attributes of the Holy Light and the celestial Sound Current.
                My analysis says that whatever any religion says, it should be transparent and should not spread the message of division or "anti-". This to me sounds fair (although dubious in many aspects) and moreover spreading love and brotherhood needs to be given a chance. All I can remember while concluding  this study of “Sant Mat” by me are a few powerful words said by Swami Vivekananda – “You cannot believe in God or any religion, until you believe in yourself.

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